Hi all. Only nine days until Christmas. The girls are excited (well, Lillygoat doesn't know whats going on, she's just excited!) and counting down the days.

Atty is now going by "princess", "Cinderella", "big sister", or "momma" only. She will let us know each morning (after she puts on her princess dress) which name she will be going by for the day. You pick your battles, right?!

As for Lilly, well she' a WALKER, that's right she finally did it. She is getting better and better every day. Today she walked most of the day. She tries to run, but isn't quit there. Now if I could just keep shoes on her, any suggestions?

Andy did not get into the leadership program so we are looking at other options. He was bummed but knows this is the Lords plan and we are excited to see what is in store.

One more thing, our friends Brian and Gina had there baby. It's a BOY... Jackson Lowell Menicucci. Check out his debut pics at menicucci.blogspot.com


Gina said...

wow! what a big girl, Lilly! I don't have any suggestions for keeping shoes on her. We have issues keeping socks on, but once we put on shoes, problem solved. They don't take off their shoes for some reason. We'll keep you all in our prayers as you figure out what direction you might take regarding Andy's job. Love,
Gina and Brian