Like always we have been busy bees at our house. We've been getting ready for Halloween and a princess birthday party.

We carved pumpkins the other night. Atty didn't care for it too much. She loves her pumpkin, when it's not lit! She ejoyed trick-or-treating at the nursing home grandma works at, she got a ton of candy. I'm not sure how trick-or-treating at night will go. She is not thrilled with the decorations, lights or noises! Such a girl.

Lilly got all dressed up this morning and didn't tear off any of the pieces to eat! She also got a bunch of candy, suckers, smart grandmas and grandpas! She has started clapping her hands and turning toward you for a kiss.

Enjoy the pictures and we'll catch up soon!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! everyone and be safe.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that was some fast posting! Impresive!

the byrd family said...

hey girl! you've been tagged, check my blog for more info!